.Professional WebPage Designs

Internet Access

Internet Access Subscription Terms and Conditions

This agreement represents the complete agreement and understanding between Professional WebPage Designs (hereinafter referred to as PWD) and the account holder (hereinafter referred to as SUBSCRIBER) and supersedes any other written or oral agreement. Upon notice published on-line, Professional WebPage Designs may modify these terms and conditions, amplify them, and/or modify pricing, as well as discontinue or change services offered.

If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please notify our billing department at (954)926-0233 so that we may cancel your account. Failure to notify Professional WebPage Designs shall constitute your approval.

  1. Professional WebPage Designs exercises no control whatsoever over the content of the information passing through its servers. Professional WebPage Designs makes no warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, for the Internet services it is providing. Professional WebPage Designs also disclaims any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Professional WebPage Designs will not be responsible for damages to the SUBSCRIBER. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis deliveries, or service interruptions caused by its own negligence, SUBSCRIBER's errors or omissions, or due to the fault of third parties.

  2. Certain Internet services may contain language or pictures which some individuals may find offensive, inflammatory, or of an adult nature. Professional WebPage Designs does not endorse such materials and disclaims any and all liability for such content.

  3. Use of any information obtained via Professional WebPage Designs is at your own risk. Professional WebPage Designs specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services.

  4. Internet connections and all other services provided to the SUBSCRIBER by Professional WebPage Designs may only be used for lawful purposes. Transmission or storage of any information, data or material in violation of any U.S. federal or state regulation or law is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to material protected by copyright, trade secret or any other statute, threatening material or obscene material. The SUBSCRIBER agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Professional WebPage Designs from any claims resulting from the SUBSCRIBER's use of the Internet services.

  5. Professional WebPage Designs accounts cannot be transferred or used by anyone other than the SUBSCRIBER. No more than one login session at a time can be used by the SUBSCRIBER on any system account. If the SUBSCRIBER has multiple accounts, the SUBSCRIBER is also limited to one login session at a time per system account. Accounts which have been transferred to other parties, or show other activity in violation of this paragraph, are subject to immediate cancellation.

  6. The SUBSCRIBER acknowledges that Professional WebPage Designs is a commercial entity. Professional WebPage Designs's Internet services may be used by SUBSCRIBERS to conduct legal business. That business, however, should not infringe upon the use of Professional WebPage Designs services by other SUBSCRIBERS. Professional WebPage Designs's services should not be used to send unsolicited advertising or promotional materials to other network users. Electronic mail and appropriate USENET newsgroups may be used in the conduct of legitimate business. When Professional WebPage Designs becomes aware of possible violations, we will initiate an investigation. At the same time, in order to prevent further possible unauthorized activity, Professional WebPage Designs may suspend access to services for the individual account in question. Confirmation of violations may result in cancellation of the individual account and/or criminal prosecution. Account suspension may be rescinded at the discretion of Professional WebPage Designs, following payment of a reconnection charge.

  7. Professional WebPage Designs reserves the right to cancel its Internet services for any reason without prior notice. In case of cancellation, unused fees may be returned to the subscriber on a pro-rata basis. SUBSCRIBER must notify Professional WebPage Designs in writing to cancel subscription. Fees for setup and the first month's service are not refundable.

  8. Use of other organizations' networks or computing resources is subject to their respective permission and usage policies. Use of these services will involve listing SUBSCRIBER's participation in relevant directories, and SUBSCRIBER expressly grants permission for such listings.

  9. All services must be paid in advance. Payment due dates are stated on our invoice. If payment is not received within 21 days of the due date, the account will be terminated and a re-connection fee of $15.00 will be added to charges for further services. Termination of service shall not relieve the SUBSCRIBER from the obligation to satisfy outstanding invoices. In the event Professional WebPage Designs utilizes an attorney to collect such sums, the SUBSCRIBER shall be responsible for the payment of all of Professional WebPage Designs's attorneys' fees and costs in pursuing the collection of these sums. Venue for any litigation concerning the subscriber's relationship with Professional WebPage Designs shall be in Broward County Florida.


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